Are Irish Doodles Good Dogs?

Irish Doodles are one of the newest hybrids which have originated from the cross-breeding of the Irish Setter and Poodle. These dogs are intelligent, playful, and energetic, they do not shed much and are hypoallergenic making them favorites in the recent past. Here is a very detailed article about are Irish doodles good dogs and whether or not they make good family dogs.

History and Origin of the Irish Doodle

The Irish Doodle bred in the early 1990s or early 2000s in the United States or Canada. The intelligence of Poodle and low shedding coat came through crossbreeding by breeders while the Irish Setter is playful and active.

Motivation for Creating the Breed

The intention was to get a smart, playful, and sociable dog with no undercoat. Breeders wanted to create a dog that would possess the best qualities of the Poodle and the Irish Setter.

Quick Rise in Popularity

The lack of information about the breed’s origin does not prevent the Irish Doodle from becoming a popular family companion in the last one or two decades. This is because their characteristics have come from the favourable characteristics of both parent breeds.

Current Status

Today, the Irish Doodle is gaining more and more popularity all over the world as people get to know this cheerful, intelligent breed. They are still considered one of the young designer dog breeds.

Appearance and Coat of the Irish Doodle


It is not uncommon to find two different-looking Irish Doodles in the same litter. In general, they are medium to large breed dogs that weigh between 30-70 pounds and have a height of 15-27 inches at the shoulder.

Coat Type

Their coat may be curly like that of a Poodle or smooth like that of an Irish Setter. The colors of the coat are red, apricot, black, and cream. The curlier coat is typical for Poodles, but straight coats are not rare.

Hypoallergenic Coats

Regardless of the coat type, their coats are always hypoallergenic and low shedding, which is excellent news for people with allergies.

Grooming Needs

Hygiene and grooming depend on the type of coat that the dog has. Curly coats need grooming on a daily basis and professional clipping is needed every 6-8 weeks. Smoother coats do not require brushing as often as the wavy or curly ones do.

Temperament and Personality Traits

Highly Intelligent

Are Irish doodles good dogs. Irish Doodles are great dogs and are known to be intelligent due to the Poodle and the Irish Setter breed. They are intelligent and good learners in that they grasp things very fast.

Energetic Nature

Irish Doodles are very active dogs that require physical exercise and fun throughout the day. If they have not been exercised enough, they may get bored and cause havoc around the house.

Affectionate and Loyal

These dogs are very attached to the family. They need to be around people and love to be with their owners most of the time. Irish Doodles are very affectionate when they decide to accept people into their life.

Friendly Towards Strangers

Irish doodles are friendly dogs especially to strangers and if they are taken through the right socialization process at a tender age. They are not very good as guard dogs.


The Irish Setter influence makes these dogs very playful. They enjoy anything that can keep them busy and can be used to exhaust their energy in games and toys.

Potential for Anxiety

Irish Doodles can develop anxiety or become destructive if left alone for long periods. They need interaction with people on a daily basis.

Training and Exercise Needs

Intelligence Aids Training

Irish Doodles are very intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. Their eagerness to please makes training straightforward.

Early Socialization Is Key

Early socialization and obedience training is highly recommended to nurture their natural friendliness and energy during puppyhood. Well-socialized Irish Doodles thrive in any environment.

Significant Exercise Needs

This breed needs vigorous exercise every day, including long walks, jogs, interactive play, or high-energy activities. Without an outlet for their energy, they can become destructive.

Mental Stimulation

Puzzles, games, training, and jobs provide important mental stimulation. Irish Doodles love to put their intelligence to use.

Potential for Stubbornness

Irish Doodles can be stubborn at times during training. Positive reinforcement and firm consistency are important.

Health and Care of Irish Doodles


Irish Doodle is a medium size dog and the life expectancy for them ranges from 10-14 years. It is so because if one follows the right measures, he or she will live a long, and healthy life.

Potential Health Issues

This includes hip and elbow dysplasia, bloat, Von Willebrand’s disease, hypothyroidism and some eye problems such as PRA.

Importance of Health Testing

To reduce the chances of transmitting hereditary diseases, intended breeders should ensure that their stock undergo some genetic and health check. There is a need to request a copy of the completed testing on a regular basis.

Grooming and Shedding

While they shed their fur just like any other breed, the fur does not shed heavily, and the dander that they produce may not be enough to aggravate allergic reactions.

Diet and Exercise

Ensuring the Irish Doodles feed on balanced meals, exercise daily, their minds engaged often and taking the dogs to the vet as often as needed helps their bodies remain healthy.

Suitability for Families and Living Conditions

Ideal for Active Families

Irish Doodles are best suited to highly active families who will be able to spend time with the dog playing, training, exercising and providing attention. They are good family dogs if well taken care of.

Socialization Is Crucial

It involves taking the dog out for socialization at an early age and then continuously to become well mannered, friendly adult dogs. Socialization eliminates shyness and reactivity.

Attention and Playtime Are Key

Irish Doodles should be engaged in play, spending time with their family, and in activities and games and sports. They should not be left alone for long periods of time.

Apartment Living Is Possible

They can do well in apartments or houses with a yard as long as their exercise requirements are provided for. They should be indoor dogs.

Supervision with Children

Irish Doodles are mostly good-natured and friendly with children. Like with any breed, children should be supervised when interacting with the cat and any other animal. 

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Owning an Irish Doodle

Are Irish doodles good dogs. The Irish Doodle is one of the many hybrid breeds of dog which is mix of the Irish Setter and poodle. This cheerful and sociable breed is going to have some advantages and disadvantage that a potential owner should take into account. Below are the main pros and cons of the Irish Doodle breed or having this dog at your home.

Advantages of Owning an Irish Doodle

Affectionate and Loyal Nature

lthough the Irish Doodle is still an uncommon breed, one of its chief benefits is their personalities: they are very friendly and faithful. They grow close to their family and when developed wants to stay close to their owner as much as possible.

Minimal Shedding

Irish Doodles do not shed much thanks to the influence of Poodle genes and are therefore recognized as hypoallergenic. This makes them suitable for people with allergies.

Fun-Loving and Playful

Irish Doodles are most playful due to their parent’s breed, and they are full of energy. Topics of interest include games, family trips and adventures, as well as general activities such as agility.

Highly Intelligent and Trainable

These are intelligent and enthusiastic dogs incredibly easy to train provided the workplaces is positive and steady. The breed is intelligent and as such breeds excel at obedience, tricks and other related dog related activities.

Good with Children

Irish Doodles that have been socialized appropriately should do well with children. They are also patient, energetic when it comes to playing. Like any other breed, there is need to monitor the dogs during play time.

Disadvantages of Owning an Irish Doodle

Potential for Separation Anxiety

Irish Doodles are very affectionate and become very attached to their people. If neglected they become destructive and also develop separation anxiety. They require much attention and affection from other people.

Extensive Exercise Requirements

This perky and playful hybrid requires a minimum of 60 minutes of high activity in the form of running, hiking, swimming or even playing with a ball, on a daily basis. If the energy is not channeled properly they get bored and turn into a nuisance.

Regular Professional Grooming

The Irish Doodles require brushing daily and professional grooming after every 6-8 weeks because of the coat type, especially for the ones with curls. This is an added expense.

Potential Stubbornness

Irish doodles are known to be somewhat stubborn at times. This they need a lot of positive reinforcement, consistency and plenty of patience to overcome.

Risk of Inherited Health Issues

Like with all breeds, Irish Doodles may be born with or develop some hereditary diseases such as hip dysplasia, eye disease or Von Willebrand’s disease. It is expected that responsible breeders should take their breeding stock for testing.


Irish Doodles are great family companions provided that their owners are willing to devote time to their puppies’ socialization and training. They require a great deal of exercise, teaching, affection, and stimulation because they are social, bright, and lively creatures. They are easy to take care of because they are sociable animals and love being around humans.

An Irish doodle is a playful companion dog if it is well socialized, trained, exercised, and spends time with the family members. They are also a wonderful choice for families that are sensitive to allergies since their coats shed less dander. Hence, for the right owner, the Irish Doodle, an intelligent and playful hybrid breed, is definitely worth it.


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Jill Frost

Jill Frost is a dedicated lover of the doodle breed, especially her cherished Goldendoodle. With every wagging tail and joyful jump, she finds endless inspiration and happiness in these delightful dogs. Through her blog, Jill delves deep into the world of doodles, sharing her experiences, insights, and the boundless joy these furry friends bring into her life. From care tips to amusing antics, her platform is a haven for anyone smitten by the unique charm of doodles. Join Jill in celebrating the delightful world of Goldendoodles and all their doodle cousins!

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