Do Goldendoodles Have Human Hair?

Goldendoodles are one of the most sought-after designer hybrids, this time owing the cuteness to her a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Their soft, fuzzy appearance can easily distinguish this kind of intermingled dog. It also leads to some future Doodle parents observing – this new breed of dogs! But do goldendoodles have human hair?

The Origin of the Goldendoodle Coat

Now, in order to determine if the Goldendoodle bears any resemblance of having human hair, it is important to find if their unique coat has any history. Goldendoodles get characteristics from the parents which are the Golden Retriever and the Poodle.

The Golden Retriever Coat

It’s compact, loose, shaggy, water-resistant, and double coats are the defining features of the breed. The outer coat has longer guard hairs to prevent penetration into the fluffy undercoat. The purpose of the underside is to provide warmth as the golden hunts for water therefore this one is also usually warm coated. They are average droppers of the coat throughout the year. They are also heavy shedders a couple of times annually.

The Poodle Coat

Poodles, unlike some breeds, have a single-layered dense curly coat. Because Poodles are light shedder, a lot of people think they are non-allergic. However, Poodles’ coats are available in more than one color and pattern. Depending on the individual dog, their curls range from tight ringlets to loose waves. Proper brushing and trimming prevent matting in their curly coats.

Do Goldendoodles Shed?

Mixing a Golden Retriever with a Poodle results in a dog with a soft basic coat covering the important areas of the body. Goldendoodles are mostly wavy or curly and do not shed or do very little.

However, some puppies do tend to have more of the Golden’s double coat and do shed. Shedding levels can vary, even in one litter. Shedding levels can vary, even within the same litter. The curlier the coat, the less it sheds. Straight or wavy coats tend to shed more.

The Composition of Dog Hair vs. Human Hair

Now that we understand the origins of the Goldendoodle coat, we can analyze its composition compared to human hair. There are a few key differences:

Cuticle Structure

Human hair has a smooth cuticle structure, laying flat against the hair shaft. The cuticle protects the inner layers of the hair. Dog hair has a rougher, imbricated cuticle structure. The cuticle cells overlap each other like shingles on a roof. This creates a texture that helps dogs detangle debris from their coats.


Human hair contains a soft, spongy medulla in the center. The medulla provides insulation and absorbs moisture.Dog hair lacks a defined medulla. Instead, it has small fragmented medulla granules distributed throughout the cortex.

Growth Cycles

Humans typically grow hair in 2-7 year cycles. Hair grows about 6 inches per year. Dogs’ hair growth cycles are much faster, lasting 6-12 months. Their hair grows 1 inch per month. Dogs shed more frequently than humans.

Hair Composition

Human hair is made of keratin protein (65%), water (15%) lipids (3%), pigment (1%), and trace minerals.The protein composition of dog hair can vary by breed. Double coated dogs have more guard hairs made of keratin. Single coats contain more soft downy undercoats with higher levels of sulfur-rich proteins. This protein variation affects the feel and texture of the hair. Human hair tends to be smoother, while dog hair is rougher.

Do Goldendoodles Have Fur or Hair?

Another way to compare human and dog hair is by analyzing if dogs have fur or hair. What’s the difference?


Fur consists of short, fine hairs under longer guard hairs. The soft undercoat provides insulation. Fur sheds seasonally and re-grows as the seasons change. Golden Retrievers have fur – a dense double coat with an undercoat and guard hairs.


Hair consists of one single, longer coat that keeps growing. They shed gradually year-round vs seasonally. Poodles have hair – a continuously growing single coat. Non-shedding Poodle mixes like Goldendoodles tend to have hair rather than fur.

Grooming a Goldendoodle Coat

Now that we understand the biology behind Goldendoodle coats, let’s look at some grooming best practices:


  • Use a slicker brush and metal comb to detangle and remove dead hair
  • Brush 1-2 times per week to prevent matting
  • Bathe and brush before clipping for easy maintenance


  • Keep coat trimmed to 2-4 inches to prevent matting
  • Use clippers designed for curly human hair for a smooth cut
  • Schedule professional grooming every 6-8 weeks


  • Bathe every 3-6 weeks with moisturizing dog shampoo
  • Use a leave-in conditioner to prevent drying of the curly coat
  • Dry thoroughly with a high velocity dryer to prevent matting

Proper grooming keeps your Goldendoodle’s coat looking its best! The hair-like coat needs regular care to stay healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Goldendoodles Have Fur or Hair?

Goldendoodles have hair, not fur. Fur is shorter and sheds seasonally while hair keeps growing and doesn’t shed. Since Poodles have hair, Goldendoodles tend to inherit this non-shedding trait.

Why Does it Look Like Goldendoodles Have Human Hair?

Goldendoodles often inherit the Poodle’s curly or wavy coat texture. Their hair shafts are wider than fur and grow longer without shedding. This gives many Goldendoodles hair that resembles human hair in look and feel. The way it falls into loose curls or waves contributes to the human-like effect.

At What Age Does a Goldendoodle’s Adult Coat Come In?

Goldendoodles develop their adult coats between 10-15 months of age. Prior to this age, their puppy fur may be soft and fuzzy. Once mature, their hair becomes thicker and curlier. The coat change occurs steadily but can seem abrupt.

How Long Does the Average Goldendoodle’s Hair Grow?

If not clipped, a Goldendoodle’s hair just keeps growing! Their hair growth is more comparable to human head hair than fur. Most Goldendoodles need a haircut every 6-8 weeks to maintain a shorter cut. Untrimmed, their hair can reach 10+ inches.

Do All Goldendoodles Have Curly Coats?

No, coat types vary. Depending on genetics, Goldendoodles may have:

  • Curly Coats – Tight curls resembling a Poodle
  • Wavy Coats – Looser waves reminiscent of a Retriever
  • Straight Coats – Flat-falling hair with a slight wave

Poodle genetics make curly coats most common. But flat or wavy coats are possible too.

Is a Goldendoodle’s Hair Hypoallergenic?

Goldendoodles have low- to non-shedding coats and hence are better breeds in terms of allergies as compared to other shedding breeds, yet still, there is no breed that is totally hypoallergenic. Tew said that some people are allergic to dander, while others have no issue with people who have Goldendoodles as pets. Meeting the parents can gauge how allergy friendly a family is.

Do Goldendoodles Need to be Groomed Frequently?

Yes, it is self-evident that Goldendoodles need to be maintained in their healthy grooming. Their soft and human-reminding hair gets easily tangled and matted, if there is no brush applied to it. Most need to go to the groomers for approximately every six to eight weeks. The best practice is to brush every day, especially when it comes to the curly coats.

Should Goldendoodles Be Shaved in Summer?

You may shave a Goldendoodle when summer comes, but you do not have to. A comparatively shorter “puppy clip” would keep the animal cool while at the same time ensuring that their coats are in good condition. Removal of the coat down to the skin can lead to damage to the hair follicles and the texture of the hair itself. It is against owners to shave shortly before or even during stages of changing the coat around 10 to 15 months old.

Do Goldendoodles Have Hair or Fur: The Verdict

While Goldendoodles don’t technically have human hair, their coats share more properties with human hair than fur. Most Goldendoodles have a continuously growing single-layer coat, making their hair low-shedding. The amount of curl in the coat impacts how much it sheds. Very curly coats are hair-like and low shedding. Wavy coats have more fur-like shedding qualities.

No matter what the coat type, regular brushing, bathing, and trimming keep your Goldendoodle looking fluffy and fabulous! Proper care brings out the beauty in their human-like hair.
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Jill Frost

Jill Frost is a dedicated lover of the doodle breed, especially her cherished Goldendoodle. With every wagging tail and joyful jump, she finds endless inspiration and happiness in these delightful dogs. Through her blog, Jill delves deep into the world of doodles, sharing her experiences, insights, and the boundless joy these furry friends bring into her life. From care tips to amusing antics, her platform is a haven for anyone smitten by the unique charm of doodles. Join Jill in celebrating the delightful world of Goldendoodles and all their doodle cousins!

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