What Size Crate for Goldendoodle? Standard Goldendoodle Crate Size

Choosing the perfect crate for a Goldendoodle isn’t just about comfort; it’s an important decision that supports their growth and well-being. As a mix between Golden Retrievers and Poodles, these friendly dogs come in different sizes like Toy, Miniature, and Standard.

Depending on whether you have a tiny Toy Goldendoodle or a larger Standard one, your furry friend will need a space that fits them just right—from cozy 24-inch crates with dividers for growing pups to spacious 42-inch ones for full-grown companions.

It’s not only about picking out any crate; factors such as the dog’s size now and how big they’ll get are crucial in making sure the crate is neither too small nor excessively large.

With adjustable dividers available in some crates, you can easily tweak the internal space to accommodate your Miniature Goldendoodle as it grows. A rightly sized crate ensures your buddy feels safe without cramping up their style! Get ready to discover how selecting an ideal home-within-a-home comforts and nurtures your pooch’s development.

Let’s explore how to find that snug shelter every Goldendoodle deserves.

Key Takeaways

  • A dog crate sized between 36 and 48 inches is typically recommended for standard Goldendoodles, providing ample space to stand, turn around, and stretch out comfortably.
  • Miniature Goldendoodles may need a smaller two-foot crate with a divider that can adjust as they grow, ensuring the space remains appropriate without restricting movement.
  • Always consider your Goldendoodle’s safety, security, comfort, and routine when choosing a crate size; it should offer enough room for them to move but also feel snug.
  • Crate training should incorporate positive reinforcement methods early on to establish good habits and help reduce anxiety and destructive behaviors in your Goldendoodle.
  • Factor in the potential variances in the lineage of your pet since Miniature and Standard Goldendoodles will have different size requirements based on their height and weight.

Understanding the Goldendoodle Breed

Understanding the Goldendoodle Breed

The Goldendoodle breed is a popular crossbreed between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. They are known for their friendly and sociable nature, making them great family pets. Understanding their unique nutritional needs, grooming requirements, and exercise habits is essential for providing the best care for your Goldendoodle.


Goldendoodles captivate hearts with their mix of poodle and retriever traits, sporting a teddy bear-like look that varies from wavy to curly coats. Their fur can come in an array of colors, including cream, gold, red, gray, or black.

These lovable pups range in size; the miniatures stand between 13 and 24 inches tall, while toy Goldendoodles are under 15 inches.

With expressive eyes and a friendly demeanor, they exhibit strong muscular builds that reflect their high energy levels. They’re known for both the fluffiness of their coat and their sturdy structure—qualities that make choosing the right crate so crucial to ensure comfort without restricting movement.

Mini Goldendoodle usually weighs around 25 to 35 pounds, requiring space not just to curl up but also to stretch out when needed.


Goldendoodles require a balanced diet to support their active lifestyle and overall health. A high-quality dog food with essential nutrients like protein, fats, and carbohydrates is crucial for their well-being.

It’s important to choose food that suits the size of your Goldendoodle – whether it’s toy, miniature, or standard. Toy Goldendoodles need about 250-400 calories per day, while Miniature and Standard Goldendoodles may require 600-1,200 daily calories based on their weight and activity level.

To ensure proper nutrition, incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into their diet along with occasional treats for training purposes.

Proper hydration is also key in maintaining a healthy Goldendoodle. Always provide access to clean water throughout the day to keep them hydrated. Additionally, regular monitoring of body condition and weight is essential to adjust feeding portions as necessary for optimal nutrition.


Grooming a Goldendoodle is an essential part of their care routine. Regular brushing helps prevent mats and tangles in their curly coat, keeping them looking neat and healthy. It’s important to trim the hair around their eyes, ears, and paws to ensure clear vision and comfortable walking.

Bathing should be done as needed to keep their coat clean without stripping it of natural oils.

Regular grooming sessions also provide an opportunity to check for any signs of skin irritation or infection. This breed’s floppy ears can trap moisture, so they need regular cleaning to prevent ear infections. The grooming sessions also include potty training.


To ensure a happy and healthy Goldendoodle, regular exercise is essential. Taking your dog for daily walks or jogs will help maintain their physical well-being and mental stimulation.

Engaging in activities such as fetch or agility training can also provide the necessary outlet for burning off excess energy, especially for the more active sizes of this breed.

Creating an exercise routine that aligns with your Goldendoodle’s size and energy level is crucial. For instance, smaller Goldendoodles may require shorter play sessions or gentle walks, whereas larger ones may benefit from longer runs or hikes to satisfy their activity needs.

Crate Size Recommendations for a Goldendoodle

Crate Size Recommendations for a Goldendoodle

When it comes to crate size recommendations for a Goldendoodle, factors such as age, weight, and height should be considered. To find out more about the recommended sizes and how lineage may affect the size, keep reading.

Factors to Consider

When choosing a crate size for your Goldendoodle, consider the following factors:

  1. Your Goldendoodle’s size: Consider the height and weight of your Goldendoodle to determine the appropriate crate size. Get a crate based on your Goldendoodle’s size.
  2. Growth potential: If you have a puppy, consider the potential growth and select a crate with a divider to adjust the space as your dog grows.
  3. Comfort and movement: Ensure that the crate provides enough room for your Goldendoodle to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  4. Safety and security: The crate should offer a secure and safe environment for your Goldendoodle, promoting a sense of comfort and relaxation.
  5. Travel convenience: Consider whether the chosen crate is easy to transport for traveling or vet visits while providing comfort for your dog.

Recommended Sizes (36-48 Inches)

When considering the ideal crate size for a Goldendoodle, it’s essential to factor in its potential growth and movement requirements. Generally speaking, a crate between 36 and 48 inches is recommended for standard-sized Goldendoodles.

This range ensures ample space for them to stand, turn around, and stretch comfortably as they grow. For Miniature Goldendoodles, a two-foot crate with a divider allows you to adjust the space as your dog grows, providing them with an appropriately sized area without restricting their movement.

Ultimately, selecting the right crate size within this range will ensure that your Goldendoodle feels secure and comfortable while also allowing room for physical development.

Variances in Lineage May Affect Size

When considering the size of a crate for a Goldendoodle, it’s important to take into account the potential variances in lineage. Goldendoodles come in three sizes – small, medium, and large.

Miniature goldendoodles average 13 to 24 inches, while standard ones can range from 20 to 25 inches tall. These differences mean that crate sizes may vary depending on the specific size of your Goldendoodle.

Therefore, it is essential to consider these variations when choosing the right crate size.

How to Choose the Right Crate Size for a Goldendoodle?

How to Choose the Right Crate Size for a Goldendoodle?

When choosing the right crate size for a Goldendoodle, it’s important to ensure proper ventilation and easy breakdown. The optimal size should also provide comfort for your dog while inside the crate.

Ensuring Proper Ventilation

I chose a crate with ample ventilation to maintain good airflow for your Goldendoodle. This will ensure that they remain cool and comfortable, especially during warmer months or long periods of confinement.

Proper ventilation is crucial in preventing overheating and ensuring your dog’s well-being while inside the crate.

You can look for crates with wire construction or adjustable vents that allow air to circulate freely. Additionally, choosing a crate with openings on multiple sides can further enhance ventilation, creating a more pleasant environment for your Goldendoodle.

Easy to Break Down

I prefer crates that are easy to break down for cleaning and storage when not in use. This makes it convenient to keep the crate tidy and also transport it if necessary. Additionally, an easily disassembled crate allows for quick access in case of emergencies or unexpected situations.

When selecting a crate size, I choose one that can be broken down into pieces without requiring any special tools or excessive effort. It’s important to ensure that the crate is sturdy and secure while still being easy to take apart when needed.

Optimal Size for The Dog’s Comfort

The optimal size for the dog’s comfort is crucial in ensuring that your Goldendoodle feels secure and at ease in its crate. A spacious 36 to 48-inch long crate would provide enough room for a standard Goldendoodle, allowing them to move freely while still feeling snug.

For Miniature Goldendoodles, a smaller two-foot crate with a built-in divider will ensure they have enough space as they grow. This sizing approach ensures that the dog has plenty of room without feeling overwhelmed or cramped.

These crates enable the Goldendoodle to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably without restriction. Providing adequate space is essential for ensuring that your pet views their crate as a safe and comfortable den rather than as confinement.

The Importance of Crate Training for a Goldendoodle

The Importance of Crate Training

Crate training for a Goldendoodle is important for their safety and security, as well as establishing a routine. It can also help reduce destructive behavior, make traveling and vet visits easier, and build independence and confidence in your dog.

Safety and Security

When choosing the right crate size for your Goldendoodle, safety and security are paramount. It’s crucial to pick a crate that provides enough space for your dog to move around comfortably while also feeling secure and protected.

The right size crate should prevent your Goldendoodle from getting stuck or injured, ensuring a safe environment when you’re not around.

Security comes hand in hand with proper ventilation in the crate to maintain air circulation. This is vital for your Goldendoodle’s well-being, preventing them from feeling trapped or overheated.

Ensuring that the chosen crate offers adequate ventilation will keep your pet safe and comfortable, whether at home or during travel.

Establishing Routine

Establishing a routine for crate training is essential for my Goldendoodle. By consistently using the crate at specific times, such as mealtime or bedtime, I can help my dog understand when it’s time to rest or be alone.

This structured approach reinforces good behavior and allows me to gauge their progress in adapting to the crate.

To establish a routine, I will introduce positive reinforcement techniques each time my Goldendoodle willingly enters their crate. In doing so, I am creating a positive association between the crate and rewards that will encourage them to view it as a safe space.

Reducing Destructive Behavior

To reduce destructive behavior in a Goldendoodle, ensure they get enough physical and mental exercise. Provide stimulating toys and activities to keep them engaged. Consistent training and positive reinforcement will also help redirect their energy into more appropriate behaviors.

Additionally, maintaining a regular routine for feeding, playtime, and bathroom breaks can provide structure and stability for your Goldendoodle, reducing anxiety-related destructive behaviors.

Consistently reinforcing good behavior with treats or praise encourages your Goldendoodle to repeat those positive actions while discouraging destructive tendencies. Providing a secure space like a properly sized crate can also aid in minimizing destructive behaviors by offering a safe haven when needed.

Traveling and Vet Visits

When traveling with your Goldendoodle, it’s essential to have a properly sized crate for their comfort and safety. A well-fitted crate will provide security during car rides and help reduce anxiety in unfamiliar environments.

Additionally, having a familiar space can also assist in making vet visits less stressful for your pet. To ensure a positive experience, choose a crate that allows your Goldendoodle enough room to stand up, turn around, and lay down comfortably.

Consider investing in a collapsible or portable crate that is easy to transport. This way, you can maintain routine and familiarity for your Goldendoodle while on the go without compromising their comfort.

Building Independence and Confidence

Crate training helps Goldendoodles build independence and confidence. A properly sized crate provides a secure space where they can feel safe and comfortable, allowing them to spend time alone when needed.

When done correctly, it can also help reduce anxiety and promote positive behavior. By creating a routine around the crate, your dog will start to understand boundaries and establish good habits.

Gradually increasing the time your Goldendoodle spends in the crate will help them become more independent. As they learn that the crate is their own personal space, they gain confidence in being on their own for short periods.

Positive reinforcement during crate training will further boost their self-assurance as they associate the crate with pleasant experiences.

Encouraging independence through proper crate training not only benefits your Goldendoodle but also strengthens your bond with them. It’s important to create a positive association between your dog and their crate by making it an inviting and secure place for them.

Tips for Crate Training and Housebreaking a Goldendoodle

Start crate training and housebreaking your Goldendoodle as early as possible to establish a routine and build positive associations with the crate. Gradually increase the time your Goldendoodle spends in the crate and use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior.

Start Early

Begin crate training for your Goldendoodle as early as possible to establish positive associations with the crate. Early training allows your dog to acclimate to the crate, making it easier for them to adjust and feel comfortable spending time inside.

Introduce the crate gradually, encouraging your Goldendoodle to explore it on their own terms. Incorporate positive reinforcement by offering treats or toys inside the crate, creating a positive environment that encourages them to view the space as their safe haven.

Establish a routine where the crate becomes a part of your Goldendoodle’s daily life from an early age, making it easier for them to adapt and find comfort in being confined when necessary.

Gradually Increase Time in The Crate

As your Goldendoodle becomes more comfortable with spending short periods of time in the crate, gradually increase the duration. This gradual process is essential for helping your dog adapt to being confined and feeling at ease within the designated space.

Start by leaving your Goldendoodle in the crate for a few minutes at a time while you are still present, gradually extending this period as they become more accustomed to it.

Once your Goldendoodle shows signs of relaxation during these short intervals, begin leaving them alone in the crate for longer periods. It’s important to do this slowly and systematically, ensuring that they remain calm and content during their time in the crate.

Use Positive Reinforcement

When crate training a Goldendoodle, it’s crucial to use positive reinforcement. This means rewarding your dog with treats or praise when they exhibit the desired behavior, such as entering the crate willingly or staying calm inside.

Positive reinforcement helps create a positive association with the crate, making it a comfortable and safe space for your Goldendoodle.

Consistency is key when using positive reinforcement during crate training. By consistently rewarding your dog for good behavior around the crate, you’ll reinforce their understanding of what is expected and encourage them to repeat that behavior in the future.


How do I choose the right size crate for my Goldendoodle?

To select the best crate for your Goldendoodle, consider your dog’s size and follow a Goldendoodle crate size guide that recommends dimensions based on whether you have a Miniature or Standard Goldendoodle.

What is the recommended crate size for a Standard Goldendoodle puppy?

For a Standard Goldendoodle puppy, begin with a crate that’s big enough to allow them to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably, which typically aligns with standard crate sizes designated for medium to large-breed puppies.

Can I use the same crate as my Goldendoodle grows?

Choosing an adjustable crate is smart; look for one with dividers so it can grow with your mini or standard-sized Goldendoodle from puppyhood into adulthood without the need to buy multiple crates.

What are some tips for effective Crate training for my Goldendoodle?

When Crate training your Goldendoodle, start slowly by introducing them to their new space positively and using treats; maintain consistency in the training routine to help establish comfort and security within their own space.

Why should I consider Crate recommendations specifically tailored toward Goldendoodles when selecting one of these dogs?

Goldendoodle tend to be well-groomed and social. Developing personalized crate options tailored toward their overall cushioning and ventilation needs ensures they remain comfortable content during time spent inside.


Selecting the right crate size for your Goldendoodle is crucial to their comfort and well-being. By understanding the breed’s size variations and specific needs, you can confidently choose a practical crate that ensures their safety and security.

Implementing the recommended strategies of gradual training and positive reinforcement will lead to successful crate training for your Goldendoodle. Have you considered how proper crate sizing could enhance your dog’s sense of security and routine? It’s essential to prioritize this aspect for impactful training results.

Remember, providing an appropriately sized crate tailored to your Goldendoodle’s needs sets the stage for a positive experience in both training and everyday life.

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Jill Frost

Jill Frost is a dedicated lover of the doodle breed, especially her cherished Goldendoodle. With every wagging tail and joyful jump, she finds endless inspiration and happiness in these delightful dogs. Through her blog, Jill delves deep into the world of doodles, sharing her experiences, insights, and the boundless joy these furry friends bring into her life. From care tips to amusing antics, her platform is a haven for anyone smitten by the unique charm of doodles. Join Jill in celebrating the delightful world of Goldendoodles and all their doodle cousins!

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