How to Potty Train a Goldendoodle?

What confuses most of the new Goldendoodle owners is how to potty train a Goldendoodle. For the last few decades, goldendoodles have become incredibly popular. This cute hybrid dog breed is a crossbreed of Golden Retrievers and Poodles. However, Goldendoodles have endeared themselves to pet owners through their friendly, active, and smart personalities.

Nevertheless, like all puppies, they require potty training from their human owners to learn good behavior and grow into well-adjusted pets at home. It requires some effort as potty training a Goldendoodle will take time and demands patience on the part of the owner. It may not occur overnight but over a period of time.

Owners must anticipate there will be numerous mistakes and accidents along this road though. Despite this challenge. However, it pays off when one has successfully trained his or her dog for toilet use since it can make an ideal pet that is very obedient.

In this article, we are going to give you simple steps on how to potty train a Goldendoodle that you could follow in order to house train your new Goldendoodle puppy effectively. The right strategies combined with dedication and determination will ensure that your dog is free from any accidental wetting of his environment within no time!

Preparing for Potty Training

Before beginning active potty training, there are some important preparatory steps owners should take to set up their goldendoodle puppy for success:

Choose a Designated Potty Spot

Pick a designated outdoor spot close to an exterior door which will be easily accessible to your goldendoodle whenever he needs to relieve himself. This spot should be away from high traffic areas or noise. The same spot should be used consistently whenever you take your puppy out for potty breaks. With regular use, your puppy will identify the spot by smell and associate it with the proper bathroom area.

Obtain the Right Supplies

Make sure you have the appropriate supplies on hand before potty training begins. Recommended items include:

  • Potty training treats – Have plenty of tasty, bite-sized treats on hand to reward your puppy every time he is successful in eliminating in the designated potty spot. Treats are essential positive reinforcement.
  • Cleaning supplies – Accidents will happen, so stock up on paper towels, odor-neutralizing spray, and enzymatic cleaners specifically made to break down pet waste. Thorough cleaning of accidents is crucial.
  • Potty bells – Consider hanging bells by the door which your puppy can nudge or paw to signal that he needs to go outside. This will help with communication.

Crate Train Your Goldendoodle

Crate training is highly recommended before and during potty training. When done properly, crates teach puppies to voluntarily hold their bladder and bowels for reasonable periods of time. Crates also prevent potty accidents around the house when you cannot directly supervise your Goldendoodle.

Learn Your Puppy’s Potty Signals

Pay close attention to your Goldendoodle puppy and learn their individual signals for when they need to relieve themselves. Common signs include restlessness, circling, sniffing, whining, going to the door or squatting. Knowing your puppy’s cues allows you to promptly whisk them outside to their potty spot at the right times.

Establish a Feeding Schedule

Feeding your Goldendoodle on a consistent schedule will help regulate their digestion and allow you to predict when they need potty breaks. Most puppies need to relieve themselves 20-30 minutes after eating. Sticking to scheduled mealtimes and limited water intake will give you a leg up during potty training.

Potty Training Techniques and Methods

Once you have completed the prep work on how to potty train a Goldendoodle, you can begin potty training your Goldendoodle puppy using these proven techniques:

Take Your Puppy Out Frequently

  • During the potty training process, you’ll need to take your Goldendoodle puppy outside very frequently, generally every 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Take your puppy to their designated potty spot immediately after activities like eating, drinking water, napping, playing, and waking up from the crate. These are common times when puppies feel the urge to eliminate.
  • Be proactive rather than waiting for your puppy to signal they need to go. Take them out preventatively at consistent intervals throughout the day. Frequent potty breaks will minimize accidents.

Provide Constant Supervision

  • When your goldendoodle puppy is not crated, they must be supervised constantly. Give them your undivided attention to monitor for any signals that they need a potty break.
  • If you cannot actively supervise your puppy, put them in their crate temporarily to prevent accidents. Accidents should be avoided at all costs during training.
  • Letting your puppy freely wander and eliminate in the house will delay potty training progress. Close supervision is critical.

Use a Potty Cue or Command

  • When you take your puppy to their designated outdoor potty spot, use a consistent verbal cue like “Go Potty” or “Do Your Business”. Say it repeatedly until they eliminate it.
  • Using a cue helps teach your Goldendoodle to go potty on command when brought to the appropriate location. This will come in handy later.
  • Only say your potty cue when your puppy is in their bathroom spot, not during accidents indoors. You want to associate the cue with the right location.

Provide Plenty of Positive Reinforcement

  • When your Goldendoodle puppy successfully potties in their designated outdoor spot, provide immediate positive reinforcement through both treats and verbal praise. This could include saying “Good potty!” and giving several treats right after they finish eliminating.
  • Reinforcing correct potty behavior is crucial for Goldendoodles to understand what you want from them. Be generous with excitement and treats every time they get it right.
  • Do not punish or scold your puppy for potty training accidents. This can set progress back. Just calmly clean it up and make a mental note to provide more frequent potty breaks.

Thoroughly Clean All Accidents

  • When the inevitable potty training accidents happen inside, thoroughly clean the soiled areas to remove all odor and bacteria residue. Use an enzymatic pet odor neutralizer.
  • Leftover urine or stool scent will attract Goldendoodles back to the same soiled spots again. Eliminate odors completely so your puppy is not drawn to use the same indoor areas.
  • Patience is required when house soiling occurs. Do not punish your puppy, simply clean up and resolve to better adhere to the potty training schedule.

Be Patient and Consistent

  • Potty training a Goldendoodle takes an average of 4-6 months of consistency and patience before they are fully reliable in the house. There will be many mistakes along the way. Stick to the routine outlined here.
  • If progress seems slow, go back and evaluate whether you are properly supervising, rewarding and reinforcing. Consistency is key during this lengthy but essential training process.

Troubleshooting Common Potty Training Problems

If you encounter setbacks during goldendoodle potty training, here are some troubleshooting tips for how to potty train a Goldendoodle:

For Frequent Accidents

  • Take your puppy out for potty breaks even more frequently, at least every 30-60 minutes when possible. Confine them to a crate when you are unable to actively supervise.
  • Keep your goldendoodle on leash attached to you inside the home to keep a watchful eye. Limit their access to rooms when unsupervised until they build better bladder control.

For Incomplete Elimination

  • Stand still and be patient when your goldendoodle is in the act of pottying. Do not bring them inside until they have fully completed and stopped elimination.
  • If you rush them or bring them in too soon, they may not fully empty their bladder or bowels, leading to accidents shortly after being back inside.

For Marking Behavior

  • If your Goldendoodle begins marking territory by urinating on vertical surfaces indoors, thoroughly clean those areas with enzymatic cleaner to fully remove odors that attract repeating markings.
  • Limit access to previously marked areas until the habit is curbed. Keep your goldendoodle on leash when indoors to stop the behavior and immediately take them outside.
  • Spaying or neutering your dog can help reduce territorial urine marking in both males and females. Consult your veterinarian.

For Excitement Urination

  • If your goldendoodle loses bladder control when excited, remain very calm when greeting them. Do not add to their excitement.
  • After accidents, immediately take them outside to finish urinating before praising them and bringing them back indoors. This helps teach them the proper potty location.


Owners need to act with diligence, consistency and patience in potty training any puppy. The journey may take months and include many accidents as well as failures. Maintain the program, appreciate success, be thorough when cleaning up after mistakes and try not to lose your temper. Over a long period and through being very determined you will have a joyous, sociable goldendoodle that can be kept at home comfortably.

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Jill Frost

Jill Frost is a dedicated lover of the doodle breed, especially her cherished Goldendoodle. With every wagging tail and joyful jump, she finds endless inspiration and happiness in these delightful dogs. Through her blog, Jill delves deep into the world of doodles, sharing her experiences, insights, and the boundless joy these furry friends bring into her life. From care tips to amusing antics, her platform is a haven for anyone smitten by the unique charm of doodles. Join Jill in celebrating the delightful world of Goldendoodles and all their doodle cousins!

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