How to Train a Goldendoodle? Top Puppy guide for goldendoodles

Welcoming a Goldendoodle into your family is like opening your door to boundless joy and a few playful challenges. Imagine looking down at an adorable bundle of fur practically vibrating with energy and curiosity. But the challenging part is how to train a Goldendoodle, which I will help you today with!

You might ponder how best to harness their excitement and nudge them toward being well-behaved companions.

Don’t fret; you’re in good company on this adventure. Drawing from my hands-on experience along with meticulous research, I’ve discovered training strategies that click with these vivacious pups.

This article will navigate you through the essentials—forming unbreakable bonds, curbing typical mischiefs—and introduce techniques that resonate deeply with Goldendoodles’ unique temperament.

So, let’s dive in! Your doodle’s journey toward becoming a model pet starts right now.

Key Takeaways on Puppy Training

  • Start training your Goldendoodle as early as possible to prevent bad habits and establish a routine. Consistent use of positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise aids in teaching basic commands.
  • Prevent common issues such as jumping, barking, leash pulling, and chewing by using specific strategies like redirecting attention to appropriate toys and reinforcing good behavior with rewards.
  • Address potty training through regular outdoor breaks following meals and naps, using positive reinforcement when they eliminate outside.
  • Seek professional training for personalized advice and advanced techniques if needed. This can significantly help with socialization efforts for your new Goldendoodle.
  • Keep training sessions short but frequent to maintain focus without overwhelming your puppy, gradually advancing from basic obedience towards more complex commands and behaviors.

Start Training With Research, Preparation, and Bonding

How to Train a Goldendoodle

Before starting any training, it’s important to do your research on the Goldendoodle breed and prepare the necessary training supplies. Forming a strong bond and gaining trust with your Goldendoodle is also crucial for successful training.

Do your research on the breed

Knowing your Goldendoodle’s unique needs and behaviors is vital to training success. These friendly pups inherit traits from their Golden Retriever and Poodle ancestors, which can influence their learning style and energy levels.

Dive into books and reputable websites or join online forums dedicated to Goldendoodles to learn about common personality traits, health concerns, and the best training practices for this breed.

Understanding what makes a Goldendoodle tick will help you tailor your training approach effectively. They are typically intelligent, eager to please, and need mental stimulation to stay happy.

Discover fun ways to incorporate games into exercise routines, such as teaching dogs to retrieve or agility training that caters to these needs. Realize that they also tend to be social creatures; thus, puppy socialization should be a part of their early development stages.

You’ll also want to explore the best positive reinforcement techniques applicable to Doodle breeds. Since they often respond well to rewards like treats or praises during puppy obedience training sessions, it’s worthwhile investing in a clicker for clicker training—a favorite among many doodle owners—to reinforce good behavior promptly.

This kind of preparation prevents setbacks in areas like crate training for goldendoodles or leash training down the road since consistency plays an enormous role in raising a well-behaved pet.

Prepare necessary training supplies

Before starting training, it’s essential to gather the necessary supplies. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. High-quality treats: Use small, soft treats that your Goldendoodle loves to motivate them during training sessions.
  2. Clicker: A clicker can be used as a marker to communicate the correct behavior to your Goldendoodle precisely.
  3. Leash and collar: A sturdy leash and a well-fitted collar or harness are essential for leash training and walks.
  4. Training toys: Interactive toys such as puzzle feeders can stimulate your Goldendoodle during training mentally.
  5. Puppy pads or outdoor potty area: For potty training, have designated indoor puppy pads or an outdoor area where your Goldendoodle can relieve themselves.

Form a bond and gain trust with your Goldendoodles

To form a strong bond with your Goldendoodle, spend quality time together. Take walks, play games, and cuddle to build trust and connection. Give lots of praise when they follow commands or display good behavior, strengthening the bond between you and your furry friend.

Spend time training your Goldendoodle consistently to help you better understand each other and build trust. Use positive reinforcement techniques to teach your puppy and motivate them during training sessions.

This could be through treats, toys, or verbal praise whenever they respond well to commands or exhibit the desired behavior.

Starting Obedience Training Methods

how to train a golden doodle

Begin training your Goldendoodle as soon as possible, using positive reinforcement techniques to teach basic commands and behaviors such as potty training, crate training, socialization, and manners. Consistency is vital in shaping a well-behaved dog – and an adult dog is difficult to train, so here we go with the tips.

Begin training your Goldendoodle as soon as possible

Start training your Goldendoodle as a dog owner to establish good habits and prevent unwanted behaviors. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, toys, and verbal praise to reward good behavior.

Consistency is vital in training; set a routine for potty breaks, meals, walks, and playtime to help your Goldendoodle learn quickly.

Establishing a strong bond with your Goldendoodle early will make training more effective. Spend quality time together, engage in interactive play sessions, and practice obedience commands daily.

Introduce basic commands like sit, stay, come, and leave from the beginning to instill discipline and respect. Patience is essential when training; puppies must adjust and understand expectations.

Consistent training from an early age sets the foundation for a well-behaved adult Goldendoodle. Keep sessions short but frequent to maintain focus and avoid overwhelming your puppy.

Use positive reinforcement techniques

Start training your Goldendoodle using positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behavior. Utilize rewards such as treats, praise, and playtime when your doodle follows commands or exhibits desirable behaviors.

Consistency is key in reinforcing positive behaviors and teaching new commands. Make sure to use the same cues and rewards each time.

In addition to treats, try incorporating clicker training into your routine to communicate with your Goldendoodle more effectively. Clicker training creates a clear signal for desired actions, helping your pup understand what behavior earns a reward.

Training tips for basic training

First, it’s essential to establish a routine for potty training your Goldendoodle. Take your puppy outside frequently, especially after meals and naps, to encourage them to relieve themselves in the designated area. Gradually increase the time between bathroom breaks as they become more reliable.

Dealing with Common Training Issues and Bad Behavior

Common Training Issues and Bad Behavior

Addressing common issues such as counter surfing, jumping, barking, and leash pulling can be challenging but manageable with the right training techniques. To learn more about how to handle these issues effectively, keep reading!

Counter surfing/ stealing food

Establish clear boundaries and supervise your Goldendoodle in the kitchen to prevent counter surfing and food stealing. Store food securely, use baby gates to block off the kitchen, and consider a well-timed “leave it” command during training sessions.

It’s essential to consistently reinforce the behavior you want to see – for example, rewarding your Goldendoodle when they stay out of the kitchen while you’re cooking or eating.

Teach your dog appropriate behaviors by providing toys or treats that keep them occupied redirecting their attention away from counters and tables. Consistency is critical – avoid leaving tempting items within reach, as this may reinforce unwanted behaviors.


When addressing jumping behavior in your Goldendoodle, consistent training is essential. Use positive reinforcement techniques to discourage jumping, such as rewarding your doodle for keeping all four paws on the ground.

Teaching an alternate behavior, like sitting, can help redirect their energy positively and prevent jumping. Additionally, maintain a calm demeanor when interacting with your Goldendoodle to encourage them not to jump up.

Leash training can also aid in minimizing jumping behaviors during walks in dog park or when greeting people. Encouraging polite greetings by having visitors ignore your dog until they are calm and composed can further deter jumping tendencies.

Utilizing these methods alongside regular exercise and mental stimulation will reduce your Goldendoodle’s impulse to jump.


Goldendoodles, like any other breed, may display excessive barking behavior. To address this, I use positive reinforcement to reward my Goldendoodle when they exhibit quiet behavior.

Consistent training helps them learn when it’s appropriate to bark and when it’s not. You should try not to scold them and instead train them.

To tackle barking issues with a Goldendoodle, establish clear boundaries and provide mental and physical stimulation. Regular exercise and interactive playtime can help reduce excessive barking by keeping your Goldendoodle engaged and satisfied.

Leash pulling

I discourage leash pulling by using positive reinforcement techniques during walks. I reward my Goldendoodle with treats and praise for walking beside me without pulling. To prevent leash pulling, I use a front-clip harness or head halter to give me better control over my dog’s movements.

Regular training sessions focusing on loose-leash walking help my Goldendoodle learn proper behavior when on the leash. This also extends the attention span and helps train a Goldendoodle better.

Walking my Goldendoodle in different environments, such as parks or urban areas, helps them become comfortable and less prone to pull on the leash. Additionally, varying the pace of our walks keeps them engaged and focused on me rather than tugging at the leash.


Digging is a common behavior in Goldendoodles and can be challenging to manage. To address digging, providing mental and physical stimulation through regular walks, playtime, and puzzle toys is essential.

Designate a specific area in your yard where it’s acceptable for your Goldendoodle to dig. Encourage this behavior by burying toys or treats in that spot. Implement positive reinforcement when your dog uses the designated area for digging.

Consistency is key when training against excessive digging. If you catch your Goldendoodle digging outside the designated area, redirect their attention with a command or noise without using punishment techniques.

Biting and mouthing

When your Goldendoodle is a puppy, they may exhibit biting and mouthing behavior as they explore the world around them. It’s essential to address this behavior early in training to prevent it from becoming a habit.

Use positive reinforcement techniques such as redirecting their attention to a chew toy or offering praise when they exhibit gentle behavior. Consistency is key when addressing biting and mouthing, so be patient and reinforce good behavior.

Teach your Goldendoodle bite inhibition by yelping or saying “ouch” in response to any hard bites and withdrawing attention for a brief moment. This mimics how puppies learn about appropriate play behaviors from their littermates.

Eating non-food items

After addressing biting and mouthing behaviors, one must be aware of another common issue among Goldendoodles – eating non-food items. This behavior, known as pica, can pose serious health risks if not addressed.

Goldendoodles may ingest items like socks, rocks, or even feces. It’s crucial to closely monitor your doodle and puppy-proof your home to prevent access to non-food items that could be harmful when swallowed.

To discourage this behavior, provide engaging toys and interactive activities for mental stimulation. Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule and ensuring the dog receives a balanced diet can help reduce the likelihood of pica.

Potty training

Potty training my Goldendoodle involved establishing a consistent routine for outdoor peeing. I took my doodle out regularly, especially after meals and naps, to encourage him to do business outside.

Positive reinforcement, such as praise and treats when he went potty outdoors, helped him understand what behavior was expected of him.

To prevent accidents indoors, I closely monitored my Goldendoodle’s behavior for signs that he needed to relieve himself. Whenever I caught him in the act of peeing inside, I quickly redirected him outside and rewarded him when he finished there instead.

Benefits of Professionally Training Your Pup

professionally training puppy

Consider getting help from a professional trainer who can provide specialized training techniques and personalized guidance for your Goldendoodle’s needs. To learn more about the benefits of professional training, keep reading!

Consider getting help from a professional trainer

Seeking guidance from a professional trainer can provide valuable support and expertise in addressing specific training issues with your Goldendoodle. Professional trainers offer personalized assistance, helping to create effective training plans tailored to your dog’s unique needs and behaviors.

Using their experience, trainers can also offer insights into positive reinforcement techniques and tools like clicker training, which are highly beneficial for successful Goldendoodle obedience training.

Consulting with a professional trainer also fosters a healthy and communicative relationship with your Goldendoodle.

By understanding your dog’s behavior through the lens of an experienced trainer, you can deepen the bond between you and your furry companion while obtaining invaluable tips on navigating housebreaking challenges or correcting behavioral problems effectively.

Train Your Goldendoodle Puppy – FAQs

training puppy - FAQs

There can be many questions when you want to train a golden doodle. They can be easy to train or might give you a tough time. So, it’s important that as a new Goldendoodle puppy owner, you know all aspects of dog training.

What are the basic steps to train a Golden doodle puppy?

Start by establishing a routine, using positive reinforcement training methods like treats and praise, and focus on housebreaking your new puppy with consistent potty training.

Can I use crate training for my Goldendoodle?

Yes, crate training can be very effective for Goldendoodles as it helps them learn discipline and gives them a safe space of their own.

How do I teach my goldendoodle to walk nicely on a leash?

Leash training for Goldendoodles involves using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or clicker training to reward good behavior while walking calmly by your side.

Why is socialization important in Goldendoodle training?

Puppy socialization and training help your Goldendoodle become comfortable around other people and dogs which prevents fear or aggression later in life.

Are there special classes for Goldendoodle agility or behavior training?

Yes, many trainers offer specific classes geared towards Goldendoodle agility and behavior that use different techniques tailored to their learning style.


Effective training for your Goldendoodle starts with thorough research and preparation. Consistency in obedience training using positive reinforcement methods is practical and yields efficient results.

How will you implement these tips to see remarkable improvements in your Goldendoodle’s behavior? Picture the impact of a well-trained Goldendoodle on your daily life and overall satisfaction.

Explore further reading or professional services to enhance your training journey. Remember, every successful trainer started somewhere – take the first step today!

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Jill Frost

Jill Frost is a dedicated lover of the doodle breed, especially her cherished Goldendoodle. With every wagging tail and joyful jump, she finds endless inspiration and happiness in these delightful dogs. Through her blog, Jill delves deep into the world of doodles, sharing her experiences, insights, and the boundless joy these furry friends bring into her life. From care tips to amusing antics, her platform is a haven for anyone smitten by the unique charm of doodles. Join Jill in celebrating the delightful world of Goldendoodles and all their doodle cousins!

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