What is a Labradoodle? Breeds, Traits & Life Expectancy

The Labradoodle is a famous crossbreed dog that was originally developed in Australia in the 1980s. By crossing the Labrador Retriever and Standard Poodle breeds, Labradoodles were bred to be hypoallergenic guide dogs. Since then, labradoodles have become popular family companions thanks to their intelligence, gentle temperament, and low-shedding coats.

Labradoodle Dog Breeds

There are three main types of labradoodle dog breeds:

Australian Labradoodle

The original breed Labradoodle was developed in Australia in the 1980s. Australian labradoodles have a variety of coat types but are typically low- to non-shedding. They are a mix between Labrador Retrievers, Standard Poodles, and sometimes other breeds like the American or English Cocker Spaniel. On average, Australian labradoodles live 12-15 years.

American Labradoodle

American Labradoodles were bred in the 1990s and 2000s from multigenerational Australian Labradoodles exported to North America. They are a mix of Labrador Retriever, Poodle, and Cocker Spaniel. American Labradoodles have consistent, allergy-friendly coats and live 12-16 years on average.

Multigen Labradoodle

Multigen (multigenerational) labradoodles have been bred for several generations and have stabilized genetics. They have the most consistently non-shedding coats of the labradoodle types. Multigen labradoodles live 14-16 years on average.

While individual Labradoodles can vary in appearance and temperament, the breed overall tends to have certain defining labradoodle characteristics.

Are Labradoodles Good Dogs?


Yes, labradoodles generally make excellent family dogs. Here’s an overview of their key traits:

  • Intelligent – Labradoodles are very smart and highly trainable. They are often used as guides and assistance dogs. Their poodle ancestry makes them quick learners.
  • Friendly – With their Labrador heritage, labradoodles are typically very friendly and sociable. They get along well with people and other pets.
  • Gentle – Labradoodles usually have a very gentle nature, making them great therapy and service dogs. Most do well with children.
  • Low-shedding – Labradoodle coats shed minimally, making them a good choice for those with allergies. Their Poodle genetics give them hair-like fur.
  • Athletic – With high energy from their Lab roots, Labradoodles need daily exercise. They excel at activities like hiking, swimming, and dog sports.
  • Adaptable – Labradoodles are very versatile and able to adjust to different lifestyles, from active to laidback. They make great companion dogs.

So, in general, yes, the playful, people-loving, and low-maintenance labradoodle makes an excellent family pet for active households. They have become popular for good reason! Proper training and socialization is important for any dog breed.

Labradoodle Traits and Characteristics

While individual Labradoodles vary, these are some of the most common traits seen in the breed:

  • Coat – Labradoodles most commonly have a fleece-type coat that is soft, wavy or curly, and low- to non-shedding. Coat colors include black, chocolate, gold, cream, apricot, red, silver, cafe-au-lait, and parti. Puppies’ coats can change color as they mature.
  • Size – Standard labradoodles grow 21-24 inches tall and weigh 45-65 lb. Medium labradoodles are 17-20in and 25-40 lb. Miniature labradoodles stand 14-16in tall and weigh 15-25 lb.
  • Head – Labradoodles have a broad skull and medium-length muzzle. Their almond-shaped eyes are often brown or hazel. Ears hang close to the head.
  • Tail – The otter-like tail of Labradoodles is thick at the base before tapering. It may be straight or curved.
  • Gait – Athletic and graceful movements characterize the labradoodle, showing their agility.
  • Life Span – Labradoodles typically live 12-16 years, with minis often living longer up to 17 years. Proper breeding reduces the risk of inherited disorders.
  • Trainability – Excellent trainability and desire to please make Labradoodles shine at obedience, agility, service work, and more. Early socialization and positive training are recommended.

These hybrid vigor dogs inherited great qualities from both parent breeds to create a versatile, people-oriented companion.

Labradoodle Temperament

The typical adult labradoodle has an affectionate, happy-go-lucky temperament. Here are some of the most notable personality traits of the breed:

  • Friendly – Labradoodles bond very closely with their families and tend to be extremely sociable toward everyone. They get along wonderfully with people and pets alike.
  • Playful – Fun-loving and energetic labradoodles stay puppyish well into adulthood. They thrive when able to play games like fetch daily.
  • Intelligent – With great intelligence and working dog heritage, Labradoodles excel at training and complex tasks like service work.
  • People-pleasing – Labradoodles aim to please their owners and are highly motivated by praise, affection, and rewards.
  • Happy – Joyful and enthusiastic are two of the best words to describe the labradoodle temperament. They love life and make their families laugh.
  • Gentle – Despite their large size, labradoodles are usually quite gentle dogs, especially with children.
  • Adaptable – At home in the city or country, Labradoodles make changes and new situations easily in stride. This makes them highly versatile companion dogs.

While energetic and playful, proper exercise and training help make Labradoodles wonderful family companions who live to make their people happy.

Labradoodle Lifespan


The average lifespan of a labradoodle is 12-14 years. Miniature labradoodles usually live the longest, averaging 14-16 years. Standard Australian and American labradoodles typically live 12-15 years. For comparison, Labrador Retrievers tend to live 10-12 years, while Standard Poodles live 10-18 years.

Several factors affect a labradoodle’s lifespan:

  • Size – Mini labradoodles live longer than standards, likely due to lower rates of musculoskeletal disorders. Smaller dogs tend to outlive larger breeds.
  • Heredity – Responsible breeding selection for health and longevity improves lifespans. Multigenerational labradoodles often have the best longevity.
  • Nutrition – A high-quality diet tailored for the life stage helps labradoodles live longer. Avoid excess treats and obesity.
  • Veterinary care – Regular vet checkups, preventive care, and promptly treating any illness are essential. Dental care helps, too.
  • Exercise – Keeping active and maintaining a healthy, lean body condition adds years by preventing obesity-related diseases.
  • Mental stimulation – An engaged mind through training, toys, and interaction helps reduce cognitive decline in senior years.
  • Stress – Providing a stable home environment reduces behavioral issues that can shorten life.

With proper breeding, preventive care, diet, and lifestyle, labradoodle owners can expect to enjoy over a decade with their beloved dog.

How Long Do Australian Labradoodles Live?

Australian labradoodles, originally bred down under in the 1980s, typically enjoy life expectancies of 12-15 years. Some key factors influence their longevity:

  • Coat types – Non- to low-shedding coats sought in Australian labradoodles correlate with longer life. More shedding indicates outcrossing from other breeds.
  • Multigenerational breeding – Labradoodles bred for multiple generations tend to have better health and live longer than first crosses.
  • Genetic diversity – Responsible breeders balance genetic diversity from a wider founder pool. This aids health.
  • Body size – Mini and medium Australian labradoodles generally live longer than standards at 14-16 years and 12-14 years, respectively.
  • Health screening – Reputable breeders screen breeding dogs for inherited disorders common in Labs and Poodles.
  • Lifestyle – An active lifestyle, lean body condition, veterinary care, and proper diet help Australian Labradoodles reach their lifespan potential.

With their origins only a few decades old, the Australian labradoodle breed is still being refined for longevity. Following health guidance from reputable breed clubs helps ensure a long, high-quality life.

How Long Do Labradoodle Dogs Live?

The average lifespan for labradoodle dogs is typically 12-16 years. There is some variation among the different labradoodle breed types:

  • Australian labradoodles – This original labradoodle breed lives 12-15 years on average. Their longevity has increased over time with multigenerational breeding.
  • American labradoodles – Bred from Australian stock, American labradoodles live a similar 12-16 years. Responsible breeding has helped stabilize their lifespans.
  • Multigenerational labradoodles – Multigen labradoodles with several breeding generations often enjoy 14-16 years lifespans. Their genetics have become more uniform.
  • Miniature labradoodles – The smallest size labradoodle, at under 25 pounds, commonly lives the longest at 14-17 years. Smaller dogs tend to outlive larger breeds.

Labrador Retriever lifespan – The Lab parent breed lives 10-12 years on average. The poodle influence helps increase longevity.

Standard Poodle lifespan – Poodle ancestry contributes to increased lifespan potential. Standards live 10-18 years.

Proper care and selective breeding continue to extend the labradoodle’s lifespan. Adhering to health guidelines from reputable breed clubs helps ensure a long, healthy doggy life.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a labradoodle?

A labradoodle is a crossbreed dog developed in Australia in the 1980s by crossing Labrador Retrievers and Standard Poodles. Labradoodles were originally bred to be hypoallergenic guide dogs.

What are the different types of labradoodles?

There are three main types of labradoodles – Australian, American, and Multigenerational. Australian labradoodles are the original type. American labradoodles were bred from Australian stock in North America. Multigenerational labradoodles have been bred for several generations.

What is the temperament of a labradoodle?

Labradoodles are typically friendly, playful, energetic, and sociable dogs. They are very people-oriented and make excellent family companions. Most labradoodles have a happy, affectionate, and gentle disposition.

Are labradoodles good dogs for families?

Yes, labradoodles make excellent family pets. They are gentle, get along great with children, shed minimally, and are energetic but not hyperactive. Labradoodles are very smart and highly trainable.

How big do labradoodles get?

Standard labradoodles grow 21-24 inches tall and weigh 45-65 pounds. Mediums are 17-20 inches and 25-40 pounds. Miniature labradoodles stand 14-16 inches tall and weigh 15-25 pounds.

What is the lifespan of a labradoodle?

The average labradoodle lifespan is 12-14 years. Miniature labradoodles often live the longest, around 15-17 years. Properly bred and cared for labradoodles can live into their mid-teens.

How long do Australian labradoodles live?

Australian labradoodles typically live 12-15 years, which is the average labradoodle age expectancy. Responsible breeding focused on health has increased their longevity from early generations.

What health problems do Labradoodles have?

Some health issues seen in Labradoodles include hip and elbow dysplasia, eye disease, allergies, and ear infections. Choosing reputable breeders who screen for inherited disorders helps minimize risks.

Do labradoodle dogs shed?

Most Labradoodles have fleece coats that shed minimally to not at all, making them good hypoallergenic choices. Occasional grooming and brushing keep their coats healthy and low-shedding.

At what age is a labradoodle full-grown?

A grown Labradoodle reaches its full adult height by 10-12 months old but fills out to their mature weight by age 2. Their floppy puppy stage lasts until 4-6 months old.

What activities do Labradoodles excel at?

Labradoodles shine at dog sports like agility, obedience training, rally, and more thanks to their athleticism, trainability, and eagerness to please. They also make excellent therapy dogs.


The intelligent, affectionate labradoodle was carefully developed to be a friendly, non-shedding hybrid dog breed with great versatility as a service, therapy, or family companion dog.

When purchased from responsible breeders, Labradoodles make wonderful lifelong canine companions with life expectancies averaging 12-16 years for most types. Their popularity looks set to continue thanks to this breed’s many endearing traits and abilities.

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Jill Frost

Jill Frost is a dedicated lover of the doodle breed, especially her cherished Goldendoodle. With every wagging tail and joyful jump, she finds endless inspiration and happiness in these delightful dogs. Through her blog, Jill delves deep into the world of doodles, sharing her experiences, insights, and the boundless joy these furry friends bring into her life. From care tips to amusing antics, her platform is a haven for anyone smitten by the unique charm of doodles. Join Jill in celebrating the delightful world of Goldendoodles and all their doodle cousins!

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